A little headsup!
This website is currently under construction.
Contents may change!

♪♥ Commissions ♥♫

- Art will be mostly be completed in order of payment.
- Art may take up to 6 weeks depending on how long my queues are. Ask for a more specific expectation if you're curious!
- Check the Status of your commission on Trello
- Your commission will likely be livestreamed on Twitch.tv/whiskeypurr unless you explicitly ask me not to. The art may be posted to Social Media either way. You will be pinged when I start the stream if you have the ping "@Purr's stream" in my shared artserver Stellar Dreams!
- I absolutely prefer making pastel anything, so if you can't decide which character to commission me, pick the pastel one;D

Where to find my bases:
All my bases are available in my Ko-fi shop!
Click on the Ko-fi Logo in the footer to get there.

Where to find my adoptables:
When there are any, all of my open adopts can be found on Toyhouse. Whenever there's a new adopt or batch coming out, it will be announced in my shared artserver Stellar Dreams first!

Reference sheet Pricelist 2025

Modular Reference sheets
Reference sheets are very different in price, since you can add anything to them that you want. I've set my Refsheet orders up in a modular way.
Most modules are flatcolored(no shading), in some cases such as the seperate headshot, shading/rendering requests may be added.
General refsheet information
You will receive the full version of your refsheet, and a version that is watermarked with the text "Sharing for commission purposes", which you can share with whichever artist you're commissioning to draw a character for you! Every single module can be requested as a seperate(signed) file aswell.
How to order:
Pick whatever options you want for your refsheet, make a little list of them. If you want a refsheet of an existing OC, Make sure to send along the old refsheet, or the Image that represents the character best. When sending me the lists and the reference, make sure to let me know if there's any changes you want made! You'll get opportunities to point things out throughout the process, but try to be as clear as you can at the time of ordering.
When ordering a custom character refsheet, also start with making a list of the things you wnat on the refsheet, and collect references and information for me to use such as species, main color, character, gender, moodboard, etc. When you send me images make sure to let me know what about the images you like to see in your custom!

Refsheet modules Humanoids&AnthrosPriceCustom*
Main Refsheet  
Graphic (Mandatory Start tarif)€10-30 
Front Symmetrical€60-90€90-120
Back Symmetrical€30-45€45-60
Hairless view of main front€0 
Every extra hairstyle on main front€5-15 
Symmetrical chibi outfit€30-55+€5-15
Every extra sym chibi outfit€10-25+€5-15
Every outfit on Main Front Symmetrical€15-30+€10-20
Tattoo body design€5-30€5-60
Add any commissiontype (see commpricelist)From €10 
Close-ups (Such as wings, teeth, eyes, tattoos)€0-20 
Emotes per pieceSoon tm 
Extra Front-only version of your refsheet€0 
5-15 KeyItems by Cozycat studios€5 

Means that there isn't a reference for the design yet
- Bases:
All of these can be done on bases aswell. It can be either a base I already own, or you may suggest a baseyou like for me to buy. They will follow normal pricing, as I usually personalise the bases a lot to fit your character. Credit for the base cannot be removed from the refsheet. Make sure to check if the TOS of base you want me to use allows it being used in a ref!(Often counts as YCH)

Finished Refsheet Examples

Treasure Pre-designed OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €20
Front symmetrical €75
Back symmetrical(Custom) €45
Hairless view of main front €0
Closeups(Tail) €5
About €145 total

Celeste Pre-designed OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €10
Front symmetrical €60
Back symmetrical €30
Existing outfit on sym main front €10
Existing outfit on sym main front €20
About €130 total

Amora Pre-designed OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €10
Front symmetrical(base) €75
Custom Outfit on front main €30
Custom Outfit on front main €30Eyes/brows Closeup €0
About €145 total

Ita Pre-designed OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €30
Front asymmetrical €30*
- Tail €10
- "Shegoo" €10
- Eyes&Teeth €10
- Antennae €5
- Height measure €0
About €95 total
*Reduced price because of it's simple nature

Lurancy Pre-designed OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €10
Outift Chibi(used as main) €30
Rendered fullbody Comm €110*
Closeup Tentacletail €3
About €153 total

Kaori Custom OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €15
Front symmetrical €65
Hairless view of main front €0
Custom Outfit on front main €30
About €110 total

Hazel Custom OC
Contains the following modules:
Graphic €10
Front symmetrical €70
Hairless view of main front €0
Backview €40
Highlighted bust €35
About €155 total

Commissions Pricelist 2025

How to order:

Commissions Humanoids&AnthrosFlatcolorShadedFull Render
Complexity fees may apply   

*These prices are subject to change as I do more of these commissiontypesBusts:
The head, and a little bit of shoulder. No limbs, Long hair is cut off under the shoulder.
Head, shoulders, Arms. Ends somewhere between the waist and the top of the hip.
Head, torso, arms, hips, most of the legs or all of the legs.
Backgrounds may vary extremely depending on what you want. I have yet to set up a pricelist for this, so if you wanted a background, just make sure to ask me about it!
Do's and don'ts
- Make sure to read the Commission T.O.S. before ordering!

Commission Examples

Duo Halfbody
Contains: 2 Halfbody Fully rendered €90+(€90*0,95) = €175,50

General Commission T.O.S.:

- To order a commission Please message me on Discord. My handle is Whiskeypurr. I consider this your order log, so anything asked about the commission outside of it, will not be considered an official request.
- Commissions are paid up front, your commission will only be queued after payment.
- When commissioning, please make sure to give as much detail as you can about how you want your commission, or tell me I have creative freedom.
- When commissioning, please provide a Refsheet of some sort.
- When I start on your commission you only get progress shots if the art takes longer than one stream.
- Donations(Any type) are considered donations, you can not claim art of the value of your donation total.
- If you stop answering while we're talking about your commission and your commission request is not clear, I will remind you of the conversation once, if there is no answer within reasonable time I will assume you no longer want your commission, and remove you from the queue(you can rejoin at any time as long as you had a valid reason to disappear on me)- If you've already paid for your commission but haven't made your wish clear and stop responding/delete your discord profile or the likes, without letting me know, I will wait for up to two months for you to reach out for me. If contact stays off your commission will turn into a donation. I will not run after you, as tracking you down costs me valuable time and energy.

Adoptables T.O.S.:

- When paying me for an adopt, make sure to transfer the money through Paypal, makign sure i receive the right amount in € Euro's (EUR)
- Always Credit Me as the designer of the adopts I made. Wherever applies, also credit the basemaker. (Info will be provided)
- Designs by me are to be kept on Toyhou.se, visible to me (if you hide them, authorise me). Never delete them.
- Don't sell my designs to someone without a Toyhou.se, unless they're making one to be able to receive the adopt within reasonable time.
- Do not resell for more than you bought your adopt for, unless you added value in art.
- You may do some redesigning of the design, change gender, change form(Human, Anthro, feral etc.), but make sure you keep the original Designimage somewhere in the TH profile so it can be referred to.
- Commercial use has to be asked for to me directly. Preferably message me on Toyhou.se or Instagram
- Never ever use my designs for hatespeech or minors depicted in sexual situations.
- When you've used a character Commercially, you can not resell them. If you really want rid of them after, you can return them to me.
- If you choose to resell, trade or gift an adopt you bought from me, I'd love to know who it went to, so I can follow them!💜
I also ask of you to love the adopts💜 You can hoard as many of my designs as you like, as long as they give you happiness, so don't feel guilty for having many!
Though when you feel you lose connection to them, I'd love for you to find a new owner for them💜
I hope you have a great time with your adopts, and that they give you a lot of happiness!
Last TOS update: 08/10/2024

Bases T.O.S.:

This T.O.S. is for my Artbases, which can be bought on Ko-fi
- You may move the watermark around or even remove it entirely BUT;
- Always credit me for the base, wherever you use it (on Toyhouse, tag @PenNPurrPurr on TH as creator of image and/or credit me in image description)
- You may change the lines, just keep the base recognizable!
- May be used for commissions, YCH, adopts and customs, may not be mass printed in any way.
- Do not share your base with anyone. Everyone using my bases(either P2U or F2U) must have bought/downloaded it from the Ko-fi website themselves- Do not resell or claim as your own.
When uploading work made with my bases, tag me on Instagram(@whiskeypurr.art) so I can see your creation, and maybe even share it!